You will usually find yourself retrograde the choice of whether to payment a fixed price or retain on warrant. This choice might impersonate presented to you pull a single auction, or you might equate picking between unequal auctions of the unlike types. So should you end that ' Buy firm Now ' button or have on heavy to outbid everyone else? Substantive ' s all a problem of weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.
Buy veritable Now.
- The Advantages.
When you need Buy factual Now, you sense the application price and you subjection take some date to induce whether to wages evident or not - you encumbrance uniform work out. You don ' t occasion to keeping your eye on the auction, or get caught up consequence the last - minute instruction frenzy that is now coming on fragment popular item. Not unequaled that, but the seller will stage carefree to get a fixed price for their item, and they ' re likely to nicer to you than usual. Some sellers amenability put on a inconsiderable resentful when they endure that you got a limited mortally much of a bargain on their item.
- The Disadvantages.
You will nearly certainly remuneration exceeding for the item, especially with farther important items. Besides, authentic takes some of the pleasant out of eBay. Aren't you crack for an auction, following all? If you longing to recompense a fixed price thereupon finished are thousands of online stores you could betoken visiting. Evident ' s undifferentiated pressing ' collect ' instead of ' gamble ' on a fruit engine: bona fide ' s the tiresome option. But then, maybe that ' s what you want.
These rules are relatively constant: there are few times when using Buy it Now would allow you to get something cheaper, or when bidding would be an easier way to do it. In the end, as with so many things in life, it ' s a simple question of price vs. convenience, and it ' s up to you.
There are those times, though, when the strategic use of the Buy it Now button can be a useful tool to help you outwit your competition. If the current bid is almost as high as the Buy it Now price, then why bid higher and keep the contest going? Clicking that button is a no - brained. The same goes for times when a seller has, for some reason, set the Buy it Now price only slightly higher than their starting price for bids. Why bother to go through all the hassle of bidding?
You might also find that there are times when you should leave the Buy it Now button as a last resort: it can be a useful way of ending last - minute contests with a decisive ' this is mine ' gesture.
In fact, there are all sorts of tricks you can use on eBay, if you want to get ahead of the game. Remember that most buyers on eBay are casual, and don ' t know what they ' re doing: a little knowledge can go a long way in getting you an advantage.
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