When choosing a theme or style for decorating your home, there are many to choose from. One of the most popular decorating themes today is country home decorating. Perhaps it is the most popular because it provides an inviting atmosphere and overall friendly feeling. Country home decorating, because of its warm environment, is enjoyed by the people who live there as well as all those who visit.
As with any home decorating project, a homeowner must first decide where they want to use country home decorating. Some people choose to use this theme throughout their entire home while other decide to use country home decorating focusing on just one or two rooms, for example the kitchen and the living room. Because this style is meant for people who enjoy simplicity and the nature, some homeowners may decide to carry the country decorating theme through the entire living space.
Country home decorating combines colors which are clean and bright with country furniture and accessories. When choosing colors for country home decorating, light to medium shades of white, yellow, pink, green or brown are good choices. Colors should reflect a rustic feeling. To add to the painted walls, a homeowner or decorator may decide to use stencils with country character such as flowers or plants, fruits or vegetables. Wallpaper boarders are also often used in country home decorating. It is fine to use these additions but the rule of thumb is to make sure the patterns do not clash.
In keeping with a rustic and simple theme, country home decorating uses wood natural wood. When deciding on a material for a country floor, natural wood is a nice choice. Of course using natural wood throughout a large area can be costly. If looking for a less-expensive way to give floors a country look, a light shade of carpet might be considered or laminate flooring. These options would also work well with the country home decorating theme. Other suggestions for country floors are flagstone or tile. Some homeowners, if theyre really creative, decorate their floors with stencils and create patterns. Another great way to jazz up a space is to use area rugs. In keeping with the country home decorating theme, those with an authentic look create a warm and cozy feeling. Hooked, quilted and braided rugs make beautiful additions to a country floor.
When choosing furniture to compliment country home decorating, light wood or wicker is suggested. Again, these materials reflect the beauty of nature. If a homeowner or decorator decides fabric would accent their furniture, such as cushions or slip covers, floral patterns or checkered fabrics add to the authentic look.
Accessorizing a space always adds to its beauty. When buying accessories to fit in with a country home decorating theme, it is good to keep in mind the type of atmosphere you are trying to create, a warm and inviting space. Simplicity goes a long way in country home decorating. It is recommended to never use too many decorations and choose accessories that family and friends will enjoy. Photos in simple wooden frames, plain mirrors, plants and scented candles dress up country home decorating. Window treatments should also be simple. Lace or shutters give a cozy country feel. Country home decorating can be interesting and fun. Perhaps the main detail to keep in mind is simplicity. Try not to over-decorate, remember too many patterns will clash. Too many decorations will eliminate the amount of space in a room. Country home decorating creates a relaxing and friendly environment, meant to be warm and cozy.
Country Home Decorating
Minimalist Garden

Minimalist garden should feature natural accent with a material that is not too much, especially if the house has a large window. Besides the health aspect and comfort of residents is to note when making a minimalist garden. You know not, a narrow residential minimalist dire need of oxygen supply. Well, the oxygen requirement can be obtained from the photosynthesis of green plants. Therefore, multiply the green plants in the garden is minimalist. Oxygen can also be obtained from the element of water. Therefore, the present pool plus a waterfall or fountain, is a step in the right.

Home Fire Safety
Our homes are usually the most expensive single item we ever buy. Not only do they represent a significant financial investment, but our home is a big emotional investment. They are the places where we raise our families and celebrate our lives. Our homes are our refuge from a busy world - a safe place where we live, love and grow together. Yet in the U.S. alone there are more than 500,000 residential fires every year that are serious enough to require a call to the fire department. Worse yet, every year more than 4,000 Americans die in home fires and approximately 20,000 are injured. Tragic statistics indeed, but equally tragic is that the vast majority of these fires and related injuries and deaths are preventable.
Top Ten Tips for Fire Safety
1. Install Smoke Alarms
The single most important purchase you can make for your home is smoke alarms. Working smoke alarms can double your chances of surviving a fire. Most deaths that occur in home fires aren’t from fire, but from smoke. Homes should have at least one one smoke alarm on every level. To make certain smoke alarms are fully functional they should be tested monthly, kept free of dust and have the batteries replaced annually. The smoke alarm itself should be replaced every ten years, or as recommended by the manufacturer.
2. Plan an Escape Route
If a fire does break out, you must get out fast. Being awakened by a smoke alarm at 2:00 a.m. is not the time to have to think through how to get you and your family to safety. You must plan ahead by sitting down with your family and go over an escape plan that includes at least two exits from every room. If you live in an apartment building, your escape plan must not include elevators. Finally, when you develop your escape plan decide on a safe meeting place outdoors where everyone meets after the escape. Your household should practice the escape plan two times a year.
3. Beware of Smoking
The leading cause of fire deaths is careless smoking. Avoid smoking in bed and take great care to make large ashtrays readily available to smokers throughout your household. Cigarettes can smolder under and around upholstered furniture unnoticed only to ignite into a full blaze minutes later.
4. Take Care Cooking
Never leave your cooking unattended. Furthermore, be aware of flammable materials like curtains, dish towels or loose fitting clothing around cooking areas. To avoid accidental spills of hot oil or boiling water be sure the handles of pots and pans are turned inward on the stove so they can’t be bumped or grabbed by children. Should cooking oil in a pan catch fire cover the pan immediately with a lid. Under no circumstances should you pour water on a grease fire. This will cause the fire to spatter and spread.
5. Space for Space Heaters
Whether electric, kerosene or some other fuel space heaters need space. They should be kept at least three feet away from anything that can burn. Always keep children and pets away from heaters and never leave them unattended when you leave home.
6. Matches, Lighters and Children Don’t Mix
Children are often fascinated by fire. Teach your children that matches and lighters are tools, not toys, should never be played with and are to be used only by adults. Store all matches and lighters where children can neither see them nor reach them. Because children are naturally curious, don’t hesitate to check under your children’s bed, in closets and other places where they may hide matches or lighters in their rooms.
7. Use Electricity Carefully
Promptly replace cracked or frayed cords on appliances. If an appliance sparks, smells or smokes unplug it immediately and have it repaired or replaces. An all too common cause of electrical fires is the improper use of extension cords. Never run extension cords under rugs and never use an extension cord to overload a circuit. Only a trained professional should service circuit breaker or fuse boxes. If a fuse must be replaced, use only the proper sized fuse for that circuit.
8. Stay Low Under Smoke
If you must escape a fire, stay close to the floor. Smoke and toxic gasses rise, and the air near the floor is cleaner.
9. Stop, Drop and Roll
If your clothing catches fire, DO NOT RUN! Running feeds more air to the flames and will cause them to spread more rapidly. Instead, stop where you are, drop to the floor or ground, cover your face with your hands and roll around until the flames are covered. Should you encounter a person whose clothing is on fire, cover them with a blanket, rug or coat and roll them on the ground.
10. Treating a Burn
The best quick treatment for minor burns is to run cool water over the burn for 10 to 15 minutes. This will cool the burn. Never use ice on a burn. Using ice on a burn may damage the skin or even cause mild frostbite. And contrary to what your grandmother may have told you, don’t apply butter or any grease to a burn. It will prevent air from reaching the burn. If skin is burned severely enough to cause blisters or charring, seek medical attention immediately. Severe burns can easily become infected.
Preventing fires and fire related injuries and death isn’t a matter of luck. It takes planning. Every household should have a plan that includes a home safety checklist, smoke detectors, escape plan and regular safety audit. Make protecting your family, household and valuables from fire a priority. Your life may depend on it.
Home safety Tips
While we can do nothing about family harmony we can help you learn a preventative steps that add measurably to the level of comfort and peace in your home in the event of a burglary or fire.
Home Security Systems (Burglar Alarms) provide a heightened sense of well-being by alerting you to an intrusion attempt; however, many available units can also provide a security call to local constabularies. A good system should be mounted on an inside wall away from direct sight from either the front or back door. A two panel system is an even more effective system due to the fact that, should one system be rendered ineffective, the second panel can still alert officials. Wireless alarm systems can remain effectual when wired systems may be compromised by very skilled burglars.
Close Circuit Television (CCTV) can also provide a means of identifying those who may be lurking on your property. These easily hidden devises can also allow you to easily identify welcome visitors.
Security lighting is a key element in the safety of your property and can make it easy to see when you arrive home after dark. Interior lighting that is subject to a timer may confuse burglars as to whether there are family members inside. Outdoor lighting that uses motion sensing technology makes it difficult for robbers to gain undetected access to any vulnerable areas of your home.
The two primary doors burglars will attempt to gain access through are the garage and back doors. They usually are the easiest to compromise and they provide the greatest concealment. Glass paneled doors are a means of easy entrance into any home so consider replacing them with solid core doors when possible. Replace old locks with high quality mechanisms capable of resisting lock-picking attempts as well as prying and twisting. We also recommend the use of quality deadbolts. The use of a peephole is also advised when CCTV technology is not in use or in tandem when possible. If your home has sliding glass doors you can simply place a wooden dowel or similar commercial grade products like the charley-bar in the track to make it difficult for the door to slide should the latch be compromised.
With all the emphasis on doors we would be remiss if we failed to mention a burglars favourite means of accessing your home. It is far more likely that a window will be left either open or unlocked than a door. Because windows generally use latch technology, a secondary blocking device should be considered. Should you require nighttime ventilation be sure to block your windows so that they will not open more than a few millimeters.
Should your home be accessed by burglars, a home safe can further ensure the safety of your most valuable possessions.
Neighbours can also be an effective ally in keeping your home safe. Neighbourhood partnerships have assisted home owners in self policing the homes in their immediate area. Those participating in Neighbourhood Watch programmes can assist others by picking up mail, handbills and newspapers. A burglar will often look for homes with an accumulation of newspapers or postal deliveries as a means of assessing the potential success of a robbery attempt.
Should your home be robbed, there is a way to assist police in the potential recovery of your personal property. By engraving personal information on your valuables it makes it much more difficult for burglars to attempt to sell your property to others. When it is determined that the property does not belong to the seller, police may well be called thus increasing the chances that your possessions will be returned. A few minutes marking your valuables can prove beneficial should a burglary occur. You should also consider photographing and recording the serial numbers of high end possessions. Make sure a copy of this information is stored in a place other than your home to ensure its availability in the event of a loss.
When it comes to fire prevention, smoke alarms are a wonderful means of assuring the greatest chance of safety in the event of a fire in your home. The high pitched squeal is designed to awaken the deepest sleeper and has helped families escape what might otherwise be a horrific event. These cost effective devices continue to be a technology that is easy to use and hard to justify living without.
Making sure your home is safe from potential burglary attempts does not need to instill fear. The methods of home safety and security are simply tools to be used to help your family enjoy the benefits of life without needless apprehension.
Home safety Tips
While we can do nothing about family harmony we can help you learn a preventative steps that add measurably to the level of comfort and peace in your home in the event of a burglary or fire.
Home Security Systems (Burglar Alarms) provide a heightened sense of well-being by alerting you to an intrusion attempt; however, many available units can also provide a security call to local constabularies. A good system should be mounted on an inside wall away from direct sight from either the front or back door. A two panel system is an even more effective system due to the fact that, should one system be rendered ineffective, the second panel can still alert officials. Wireless alarm systems can remain effectual when wired systems may be compromised by very skilled burglars.
Close Circuit Television (CCTV) can also provide a means of identifying those who may be lurking on your property. These easily hidden devises can also allow you to easily identify welcome visitors.
Security lighting is a key element in the safety of your property and can make it easy to see when you arrive home after dark. Interior lighting that is subject to a timer may confuse burglars as to whether there are family members inside. Outdoor lighting that uses motion sensing technology makes it difficult for robbers to gain undetected access to any vulnerable areas of your home.
The two primary doors burglars will attempt to gain access through are the garage and back doors. They usually are the easiest to compromise and they provide the greatest concealment. Glass paneled doors are a means of easy entrance into any home so consider replacing them with solid core doors when possible. Replace old locks with high quality mechanisms capable of resisting lock-picking attempts as well as prying and twisting. We also recommend the use of quality deadbolts. The use of a peephole is also advised when CCTV technology is not in use or in tandem when possible. If your home has sliding glass doors you can simply place a wooden dowel or similar commercial grade products like the charley-bar in the track to make it difficult for the door to slide should the latch be compromised.
With all the emphasis on doors we would be remiss if we failed to mention a burglars favourite means of accessing your home. It is far more likely that a window will be left either open or unlocked than a door. Because windows generally use latch technology, a secondary blocking device should be considered. Should you require nighttime ventilation be sure to block your windows so that they will not open more than a few millimeters.
Should your home be accessed by burglars, a home safe can further ensure the safety of your most valuable possessions.
Neighbours can also be an effective ally in keeping your home safe. Neighbourhood partnerships have assisted home owners in self policing the homes in their immediate area. Those participating in Neighbourhood Watch programmes can assist others by picking up mail, handbills and newspapers. A burglar will often look for homes with an accumulation of newspapers or postal deliveries as a means of assessing the potential success of a robbery attempt.
Should your home be robbed, there is a way to assist police in the potential recovery of your personal property. By engraving personal information on your valuables it makes it much more difficult for burglars to attempt to sell your property to others. When it is determined that the property does not belong to the seller, police may well be called thus increasing the chances that your possessions will be returned. A few minutes marking your valuables can prove beneficial should a burglary occur. You should also consider photographing and recording the serial numbers of high end possessions. Make sure a copy of this information is stored in a place other than your home to ensure its availability in the event of a loss.
When it comes to fire prevention, smoke alarms are a wonderful means of assuring the greatest chance of safety in the event of a fire in your home. The high pitched squeal is designed to awaken the deepest sleeper and has helped families escape what might otherwise be a horrific event. These cost effective devices continue to be a technology that is easy to use and hard to justify living without.
Making sure your home is safe from potential burglary attempts does not need to instill fear. The methods of home safety and security are simply tools to be used to help your family enjoy the benefits of life without needless apprehension.
Mobile Home Decorating

Mobile home decorating presents challenges regarding space. The rooms in mobile homes are small and will require ideas and tips about decorating small spaces. If you have plans for decorating your mobile home, they may need to be compromised somewhat because of the space. However, there are ways to achieve your ideal theme in mobile home decorating.
The first step in mobile home decorating or decorating any small space is to get rid of the clutter. Sort through your things and get rid of any unnecessary or unwanted articles. This will automatically make your space look bigger. Find places to hide things like under table skirts or behind closed doors. Making sure everything is neatly stored and out of view will open up the space. While moving things and clearing away, you may want to rearrange your furniture. Make sure large pieces of furniture are not blocking walkways or entrances. Also place tall pieces of furniture on a wall and not in an open space. Mobile home decorating is about creating space in an area that doesn’t have much space.
Choosing color is important in mobile home decorating. In order to create an open, larger atmosphere, you should use light, cool colors. Painting your walls in soft tones of blue or green will provide an open, airy feel. You should also choose colors within the same color family in mobile home decorating. Not only when picking paint colors but also when choosing fabric for curtains or upholstery.
Rooms look larger when they are well-lit. In mobile home decorating it is very important to ensure rooms have plenty of light. Stay away from heavy curtains or drapes for your windows. Use window treatments that are lighter to allow the brightness from the outside in. To provide plenty of light in your rooms, have lamps, track lighting or recessed lighting installed. Small spaces need more light.
There are little tricks for mobile home decorating. Using reflective materials is one trick to make a room appear larger. Using mirrored tiles or a large mirror on a wall will definitely make a room look larger. You may not be fond of mirrored walls but this may be one compromise you’ll have to make. Another trick is to use see-through materials. This will make objects look further away. This idea could be used in shower doors or table tops.
When choosing furniture for mobile home decorating, it is better to pick big pieces. This may sound strange but a few bigger pieces of furniture, is much better than several small pieces of furniture. Using several pieces, the space is cluttered while two or three bigger pieces will allow for more openness in a room. If covering your furniture, be sure to pick plain colors instead of prints, plaids or stripes. If wanting to add something extra, use texture but also in plain neutral tones. Choosing plain colors and neutral colors for light, sheer window treatments, bedskirts and tablecloths will provide an airy feeling as well. Owning a small home like a mobile home can provide problems when decorating but if you follow advice and suggestions for mobile home decorating, your home could be comfortable and feel much larger than it actually is.
Unique Underground Home - Swiss Mountain House

The most striking thing about this stone house is the majestic Alpine view through a wide, elliptical opening in the hillside, revealing spacious outdoor entertaining areas that lead to the home’s main entrance. Another entrance from a nearby barn leads residents and guests through an underground pathway, providing an alternate entryway into the home. The circular opening in the mountainside allows for lots of windows, which flood interiors with natural light while framing the stunning mountain views.

via : trendir
Choosing Home Decorating Fabric
An important aspect of home decorating is choosing home decorating fabric. When picking a theme such as Victorian, Modern or Oriental, the choice of fabric makes a difference to the overall theme. There are many kinds of home decorating fabric. If you are looking for fabric that compliments a particular theme, perhaps doing a little research regarding the theme would be helpful. This sort of information can be found in home decorating magazines, books and also the Internet on home decorating websites.
If you decide to use a Victorian theme for your decorating project, whether you do one room or the entire house, it is essential to remember that Victorian decorating is quite elaborate and tend to be very feminine. Choosing home decorating fabric for a Victorian theme, you should strive to pick those which resemble those used during the Victorian period. Home decorating fabric for bedding and curtains should be made from heavy materials. Choices such as velvet and brocade are popular for Victorian home decorating fabric. To accessorize the fabric, ribbons and bows, face and beads can be used as trim.
Choosing a modern theme would suggest the use home decorating fabric which is bold and vibrant. Modern home decorating is usually based on an open concept with big spacious rooms. The large space is intended to draw your attention to the various details in the room which would include home decorating fabric. These bold and vibrant fabrics, used in curtains, slip covers or throw pillows, will certainly stand out in a modern, spacious room with light to cool colors used on the walls. In this situation, the home decorating fabric would definitely be noticed and appreciated.
Oriental home decorating seems to be popular nowadays. Its unique design with accessories such as Chinese dragons, elephants, fans and screens, make a room interesting and a great topic of conversation. Home decorating fabric or an oriental theme usually includes coral, red, ivory and jade colors. The most popular fabric used in oriental home decorating is silk. Using silk in colors like coral or red would definitely stand out and compliment the rich dark wood furniture recommended for oriental decorating.
Home decorating fabric is sort of like icing on the cake. You add great pieces of furniture to a space with walls painted in beautiful colors. Then to accent the furniture or a window, you choose home decorating fabric. A window, because it provides access to the outside, is always a focal point in any room. Using fabrics made from materials suited to the theme, your window treatments would definitely draw attention to the window.
If you are wondering where to find home decorating fabric, there are several places to shop. You may want to buy slip covers, cushions or curtains that are already made. Department stores have a great selection. There are also stores that specialize in home décor. These would certainly provide a selection of home decorating fabric. If you are a crafty individual, you may choose to make your own decorative items for your home. Again, department stores usually stock a big variety of fabric. There are fabric stores in most areas as well. If undecided regarding what you should use or would like to use in home decorating fabric, the Internet will surely be able to provide links taking you to all the right places.
Traditional Villa by Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects
This house is situated in Shek-O which is a traditional fishing village located at the south east edge in Hong Kong Island and was designed by Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects. It has been built with the fullest designs of familiar rural site. Apart from the South China Sea, the design comprises of extensive glass openings in order to view in almost every direction.
There is a seamless transition which starts from inside and projects towards outside in order to combine the house for the entire landscape. And moreover a board which overhands gives protection from the scorching sun. It is meant not for everyone to stay and only a few people in Hong Kong stay in it. But this project is very vital. Though many of the people are not staying, the glass appearance is marvellous. It is appreciable to find such a building in a fishing village. Moreover the house is very airy and spacious and gives a comfortable stay for anyone.
via : homedit
Decorating Design A Log Cabin
Decorating Design a log cabin or even a cottage, usually takes in the country theme. Keeping with the various aspects of nature and its simplicity and freshness, a log cabin ought to provide peace and tranquility. Most log cabins are in the forest or country areas. Using a country style would mean bringing the beauty of the outside, inside. Decorating Design a log cabin or a cottage shouldn’t be too difficult using the country theme since the ideas and color schemes sitting right outside the window.
Using nature as an example when decorating a log cabin, using natural wood for flooring and furniture would definitely fit. Birch, pine or cedar would certainly compliment any space especially a log cabin or cottage. To keep the natural look of the wood, you could choose to leave it in its original form or using stain would give the wood a rustic look. Whether you are choosing authenticity or a newer look, wood is surely the best choice when decorating a log cabin.
You may decide to bring old furniture from home to your log cabin or cottage. Using slip covers for the couch or chairs can help make the furniture look new. If decorating a log cabin, you may choose to paint the furniture. This too will give it a fresh new appearance. When choosing colors for slip covers or paint, you might consider warm colors in light to medium shades. Yellows, browns or terracotta add warmth to a space. When you’re decorating a log cabin, the emphasis is generally focused on warmth and cosiness. A log cabin doesn’t require paint for the walls, however if you’re decorating a cottage, you might pick similar colors for your walls.
Fabrics to use when decorating a log cabin should probably include bold colors and nature themes. Floral patterns are also nice in a cottage or log cabin setting. You could use these fabrics in window coverings, bedspreads or throws and slip covers. To keep with the theme of nature, you could choose accessories taken from the outdoors such as dried flowers or pieces of old wood made into candle holders. People tend to gather things from the outdoors while on a hike or stroll along the river. These items can be used as accessories as well as mementos.
When decorating a log cabin or cottage, one factor which isn’t really important is your budget. This type of decorating can incorporate items from home or even those picked up at a flea market or garage sale. Handmade trinkets and decorations are also nice when decorating a log cabin. As long as the accessories help to achieve the overall goal of warmth and an atmosphere that is welcoming, any items chosen are fine. A log cabin or cottage is a place designed for relaxation. When decorating a log cabin or cottage, this should be kept in mind. Whatever makes you happy and helps create a space you enjoy and feel comfortable in, go with it. Just remember to have fun.