When people think about making changes to their home, either one or two rooms or the entire space, most often they imagine color. Generally people choose colors they are fond of or those which correspond with pieces of furniture. When searching for ideas for decorating a home, one idea which is perhaps overlooked is decorating with the two basic colors – black and white.
Black and white, used in decorating, creates drama and pizzazz. It is said that every room can benefit by using a touch of black. Black is a color which anchors and grounds a room. Adding sophistication, black is definitely a color that demands attention. Ideas for decorating a home using black may include accessories such as light fixtures, trim or furniture. Black serves to add definition to focal points of a room. Black is just one color that stands out or makes a statement.
Using black and white when decorating a home, provides a clean, fresh, elegant atmosphere. This combination can be added to any room in a home making it a sophisticated space. Black and white are often used in contemporary home decorating and often used to accent other colors in French Country design. It may be hard to visualize but there are many ideas for decorating a home using only these two basic colors.
The floor is a great place to start in decorating a space. Black and white vinyl tiles laid alternately makes a beautiful checkerboard pattern and looks clean and elegant. Black marble used on the floor, accented by wide white baseboards, another beautiful idea for decorating a home. White ceramic tiles with a black border or simply paint the floor black or white and use stencils of the opposite color for decoration. These are great ideas for decorating a home.
White walls, is there anything more perfect? Painting the walls white or even an off-white, would make a perfect background for accessories such as artwork framed in black. That you can imagine. Elegant black window treatments or black shutter against a clean, crisp white wall would definitely create an aura of sophistication. Perhaps a glass-top table with black iron trim and black chairs, these are terrific ideas for decorating a home using black and white.
A bedroom decorated using black and white would be lovely. An iron bed-frame in black or white, covered with a striped black and white comforter. For the pillow shames, you could use either all black or all white and could add throw cushions in the opposite color. A nice leather black or white chair in the corner would be certainly accent the room. Then the white walls with an elegant piece of artwork, framed in black hanging on it, this would surely add to the contemporary feel. Black furniture against the crisp white walls would look neat and tidy. Jazz up the room with accessories such as pewter or silver candlesticks, jugs or vases. If you think the room needs a little color to complete the look, perhaps a throw or cushion in a bold color like red or gold, for the chair in the corner of the room would be enough to accent the room.
Ideas for decorating a home, they are numerous. Finding one that suits you and those that live in your home is important. It’s nice to do something radical and off-the-wall but remember you must be able to live with it for awhile.
Ideas for Decorating A Home
Tips for Buying a Home Security Camera
A home security camera or series of cameras can be an excellent addition to an already effective home security system. A home security camera is used for a variety of purposes. The primary purpose is to act as a visual deterrent to would be burglars. In most cases, having a home security camera or several cameras installed on your property is likely to discourage a potential burglar. For most homeowners convincing them a home security camera would be beneficial isn’t the problem. The problem is convincing them that buying a security camera isn’t as overwhelming as it seems. This article will offer tips for choosing the right home security camera for your needs.
One of the first aspects of a home security camera to consider is whether you will use a wireless home security system or one that requires connection to a power source. There are many security camera options that are wireless. This means the camera does not need to be connected to an external power supply and there is no need for wires. However, the camera still requires a source of power which is often an internal battery. A wireless home security camera may be easier to install because there is no wiring but it can be more difficult to maintain because the batteries may need to be replaced or recharged frequently.
The location of your home security camera should also be considered before you make your purchase. In most cases, a home security camera is installed outdoors. This requires several considerations. Protection of your camera from the weather elements is very important. You should choose a home security camera that is designed to work well in your environment. You should also consider where you wish to install the camera. To effectively deter a burglar, the home security camera should be installed in location of high visibility because burglars will not be deterred if they do not see the home security camera. This will affect your purchase because you will want to choose a home security camera that will be easily installed in the desired location.
Finally, you should decide how you wish to record the images from your home security camera. The recordings from your home security camera can be recorded in a variety of ways including on video tapes, DVDs and on your computer. You should determine which method you want to use before purchasing a home security camera to ensure the camera you choose is compatible with your method of recording.
There are many options available for those who wish to purchase a home security camera. All of these options can seem overwhelming and may intimidate some homeowners from making a purchase. It is important to remember that careful research will make the purchase of a home security camera a much simpler process
Home Security At Holiday Time
Before departing for your much earned holiday be wise and review your home security.
The latest figures from the FBI show a burglary occurs every 15.4 seconds in the USA. The majority of these break ins take place when the householder is away from the home.
A great number of these burglaries could be prevented by beefing up your home security and installing a home security system.
The installation of a home security alarm, and home security surveillance cameras is one of the most common and effective ways to improve the security of your home instantly.
Many of these home security products also have the option of home security monitoring. But the installation of these devices does not guarantee you immunity, other steps and precautions need to taken to improve you overall security.
Some of the less expensive options available include installing motion sensor lighting around the perimeter of your home.
As well as the external security there is a great deal that can be done inside the home to improve security. Check all locks on doors and windows replace any defective locks.
Patio sliding doors offer the opportunist thief just what they are looking for easy access , the reason is usually poor maintenance or security (broken lock) don’t get caught out this way thinking it will never happen, it does and it will.
Take these steps to make your sliding door even more secure consider installing a blocking device such as a “Charlie bar” or some other type of track blocker to prevent the door from sliding open.
At the very least you should block the track with a steel rod or wooden dowel to prevent any movement.
Where possible use a home safe to store any valuables include such items as keys to outbuildings, garages, other vehicles and any other device that requires a key.
You should also hide any personal documents and identity information in your home safe as well.
If you don’t have a home safe consider using a post office vault especially if you live in a high crime area.
Giving the impression someone is at home is a great way to dissuade a burglar and is key to improving home security. This can be achieved by using timers in various rooms to switch lights an appliances off and on at differing times of the day. Be smart though and apply this tactic to more than one room in your house.
Other security measures include stopping your mail and paper deliveries. If you have two vehicles leave one parked on your driveway or ask a neighbor to park in your driveway whilst you are away.
Leave a key with a trusted neighbor or relative and ask them to check your home periodically. Switch off any answering machine don’t be tempted to leave a message saying you are on vacation.
Ensure all outbuildings are secure, making sure any tools in your garage that could be used to gain access are under lock and key.
No matter what steps and security measures you take your home will never be 100% secure.
But the harder you make it for a burglar to gain entry the stronger your home security will be.
Home Security Tips
There are few things more important to people than the security and protection of their homes and families. When it comes to securing your family you don’t always get a second chance. Lives can change forever in only a split second. Take the time now to take make sure your family is safe and secure in your home in the future.

There are several simple low cost things you can do to make your home more secure from robbery and theft and give your family peace of mind.
Home Security Tip #1
Install adequate lighting outside every entry way. You can pick up motion sensor activated lights at most department and hardware stores for under $20.00. These can be set to cover a fairly large spread. It is recommended that you install lights outside every doorway to the house. If there is a side of the house that tends to be very dark it might be a good idea to install a light there as well to prevent concealment in the shadows.
Home Security Tip #2
If you have a privacy fence around your property this can give the feeling of security but this is not necessarily the case. Security fences can actually provide a safe opportunity for a thief to work his way into your home. Once inside the perimeter of the fence the thief can work on entry to your home without being seen by neighbors or people passing by. Install motioned sensor controlled security lights outside within the fenced area. If there is a gate to the fenced in area make sure if has a secure locking mechanism.
Home Security Tip #3
Install deadbolt locks on every door leading to the outside. The types of locks which have a key in the door knob will not successfully secure a door against a thief or criminal.
Home Security Tip #4
Criminals are less likely to enter through a window because of the noise that breaking glass tends to make. Nevertheless, keep all windows locked at all times. One of the best ways to secure your windows is with glazing. Glazing protects windows against breakage.
Home Security Tip #5
A home security alarm system, which is monitored 24 hours per day, can provide peace of mind around the clock. Alarm systems are always on duty and never sleep. If you shop around you can often find specials which include free equipment and installation in exchange for a two or three year commitment. If you decide to have an alarm system installed go with a company with a solid history that you can count on. Be sure to test your system on a regular basis. Monitored alarm systems will also sometimes reduce your yearly homeowners insurance premiums. This savings alone might pay for the alarm system.
By taking these simple steps you can decrease your chances of being the victim of a crime while providing your family with a greater sense of security.
Tips and Trick to Make Apartment Safe
There are special dangers involved with apartment living. This is because you live so close to many other people. Their actions can jeopardize your safety and so it’s very important for you to be aware of what you must do to safeguard yourself, your family and your possessions.

Fire Safety . . .
Fire is perhaps the greatest danger in apartment buildings. With so many units joined together, it doesn’t take long for fire to spread from one to another. The following guidelines are critical to your safety:
• Install smoke detectors in the kitchen, all bedrooms, the laundry area and hallways. You must test them every month and replace the batteries every 6 months. They won’t do you any good if they aren’t in working order.
• Keep fire extinguishers handy in the kitchen, laundry area and near your outside grill.
• Develop an escape plan. This plan should include two ways of exiting – in most cases, this will probably include the main door and either a window or door wall. If you live on a higher floor and don’t have access to a fire escape, purchase a rope ladder to use for exiting from windows or a balcony. Practice your escape plan regularly so each member of your family knows exactly what to do in case of fire.
• Never use an elevator during a fire.
• Never park in front of fire hydrants or in fire lanes and make sure your guests don’t either.
General Safety . . .
Fire isn’t the only danger in an apartment building. You must also be aware of hazards that can exist no matter where you live and take precautions to prevent them.
• Install a carbon monoxide detector.
• Install screen guards or window stops and doorstops on your patio door to protect your children from falling.
• Keep your apartment and building number near the telephone so your family or babysitter can access it in case of an emergency. Remember that memories can fail during emergencies.
• Make certain your apartment number is clearly marked on your door.
• Be sure that each person in your family knows how to dial 911.
Protecting from Intruders . . .
There are many people coming and going in an apartment complex. Criminals count on this anonymity. That makes it very important to get to know the other tenants. When you do, not only are you better able to identify someone who doesn’t belong, it also makes it more likely that tenants will look out for one another.
• Consider forming an “apartment watch”. This is similar to a neighborhood watch but confined to your apartment complex. If a group of tenants is on the alert for suspicious behavior, they can prevent many problems from arising.
• Install quality deadbolt locks on your door and place a wooden rod or steel brace on sliding doors. One caution about deadbolt locks – don’t purchase those that require a key. In an emergency, you won’t have time to search for the key.
• Make sure your landlord has installed good lighting in all stairways, hallways, and common areas like the laundry room.
• Make sure that if your building has a common entry, the entry door locks so that only tenants can enter. Never open that door for strangers.
If you follow these guidelines, practice good common sense, and are alert to what’s going on around you, your apartment will provide a safe home for you and your family.
Home Security
Your home is your haven where you feel comfortable and secure, and it should be the last thing you should have to worry about. Thanks to technology, now you can pick and choose from a variety of home security systems, residential alarm systems, installation kits, do-it-yourself electronic goods and services, and secure your home or business in an easy but effective way.
A home security system can foil the attempts of the burglars. In an advanced system, the control box will activate a siren or other loud alarm noise flashing outdoor lights and a telephone auto-dialer. This alerts the occupants and neighbors that someone has broken into the house. It drives the intruder away and cna inform the police which house has been broken into.

The telephone auto-dialer can dial the police directly and play a pre-recorded message giving the address of the house and any other relevant information. This message will usually play over and over again to allow the police to hear it even if the call is put on hold for some time. Alternatively, it can dial the security company that installed the equipment that will then relay this information to the police. They can even dial your cellphone to alert you!
Home security is a rapidly growing field, and there are new and improved burglar alarms being invented all the time. All these systems are more or less built around the same basic structure. There is a central control box that monitors several motion detectors and the perimeter guards and sounds an alarm when any of them are triggered.
It is now quite common to have burglar alarms installed not only in stores and other businesses, but in private homes as well. These systems range from inexpensive do-it-yourself kits to sophisticated whole-house security networks that must be installed by professionals. However, some of the most effective alarm systems are also the simplest. The most basic burglar alarm is a simple electric circuit built into an entry way; it is as effective as the family dog. But the problem with it is that the intruder can cut off the connection by snapping the wires and render it useless.
To overcome this flaw the modern burglar alarms incorporate the control box into the circuit. It has its own power supply and monitors the circuits and sounds the alarm. The control box won't cut off the alarm until somebody enters a security code at a connected keypad. To make it even more secure, you should place the control box in an out-of-the-way spot, so the intruder can't find it and try to destroy it.
Another simple option of home security is the basic floor mat that uses an open circuit design with two metal strips spaced apart. These metal strips are pushed together when somebody steps on the mat and the circuit is completed.
All of these circuit systems are effective home security devices for guarding the perimeter of a house or business from the points an intruder is likely to enter the building. Once the entry points are taken care of your home security system is in place and you can feel absolutely safe and secure in your house.
5 Home Security Tip
There are few things more important to people than the security and protection of their homes and families. When it comes to securing your family you don’t always get a second chance. Lives can change forever in only a split second. Take the time now to take make sure your family is safe and secure in your home in the future.
There are several simple low cost things you can do to make your home more secure from robbery and theft and give your family peace of mind.

Home Security Tip #1
Install adequate lighting outside every entry way. You can pick up motion sensor activated lights at most department and hardware stores for under $20.00. These can be set to cover a fairly large spread. It is recommended that you install lights outside every doorway to the house. If there is a side of the house that tends to be very dark it might be a good idea to install a light there as well to prevent concealment in the shadows.
Home Security Tip #2
If you have a privacy fence around your property this can give the feeling of security but this is not necessarily the case. Security fences can actually provide a safe opportunity for a thief to work his way into your home. Once inside the perimeter of the fence the thief can work on entry to your home without being seen by neighbors or people passing by. Install motioned sensor controlled security lights outside within the fenced area. If there is a gate to the fenced in area make sure if has a secure locking mechanism.
Home Security Tip #3
Install deadbolt locks on every door leading to the outside. The types of locks which have a key in the door knob will not successfully secure a door against a thief or criminal.
Home Security Tip #4
Criminals are less likely to enter through a window because of the noise that breaking glass tends to make. Nevertheless, keep all windows locked at all times. One of the best ways to secure your windows is with glazing. Glazing protects windows against breakage.
Home Security Tip #5
A home security alarm system, which is monitored 24 hours per day, can provide peace of mind around the clock. Alarm systems are always on duty and never sleep. If you shop around you can often find specials which include free equipment and installation in exchange for a two or three year commitment. If you decide to have an alarm system installed go with a company with a solid history that you can count on. Be sure to test your system on a regular basis. Monitored alarm systems will also sometimes reduce your yearly homeowners insurance premiums. This savings alone might pay for the alarm system.
By taking these simple steps you can decrease your chances of being the victim of a crime while providing your family with a greater sense of security.
Security Alarm for Home Security
The key is to secure the possible points of entry. This means that doors should be made of strong, solid material (definitely not plastic or glass), be properly secured to their hinges and have tamper-resistant locks. Ideally, you should have an extra deadbolt that you put on at night, made from very strong metal.

Windows should be made from toughened glass, preferably double-glazed, so that they are almost impossible to break. Although window locks are relatively uncommon, they help greatly with security, and you should consider installing them. If your house has windows in a position where they can be easily and discreetly accessed from the street, such as basement windows, you should consider putting metal bars on them.
It is also important for your garden to be secure, as far more burglars enter through the back of your house than the front. This means that your fences should be high and have some kind of anti-climbing measures (spikes or anti-climb paint can work well). If you don’t like fences, get big hedges instead.
Another thing to consider is getting a dog – surprisingly effective against burglars, who don’t generally want to mess with dogs if they can avoid it. For this strategy to be more effective, put up a ‘beware of the dog’ sign. Smaller dogs are not so great for this because they are not generally scary – something like a big German Shepherd works best, not only because of their size, but because of their strong guard instincts that cause them to be hostile to strangers.